28 August 2005

Very Friday website roundup #3


A gazetteer of fabricated knowledge. Sample:

New Testament [From Uncyclopedia]

The New Testament was the long-awaited sequel to the Old Testament, which in those days was just called the Testament. In 2001, George Lucas wrote this tale of a young saviour, Anakin Christ, who travelled from planet to planet, fighting against evil for the redemption of all races. This sequel was received with mixed reviews. The primary complaint the critics had was with the character St. Jar Jar Iscariot. The work is divided into three books, much like its predecessor, titled "The Philistine Menace", "Attack of the Galatians", and "Revenge of the Psalms". Controversy still rages over the true documentary nature of the New Testament. No historical record of Anakin Christ has been found, and the character called Han Solo the Baptist is rumoured to have actually been a samurai whose story Lucas lifted verbatim (but translated) from the oeuvre of Japanese director Hello Kitty without acknowledgement.


Thinking Machine 4

'Play chess against a transparent intelligence, its evolving thought process visible on the board before you. The artwork is an artificial intelligence program, ready to play chess with the viewer. If the viewer confronts the program, the computer's thought process is sketched on screen as it plays'


[Okay, so it wouldn't run on my work PC, but I hope it'll run on yours, because it looks very cool]

Bad Book Covers

A splendidly ugly collection. Best title: 'Is your Volkswagen a sex symbol?'


Skeletal systems of 22 cartoon characters

Very cool, and not a little weird too. My, such big eye-sockets!


Regret The Error

Regret The Error reports on corrections, retractions,clarifications and trends regarding accuracy and honesty in the media.


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